Youth admitted to Detention Services will have a detained hearing with a Judge or Magistrate within 24 hours of their detainment. These hearings occur daily (including weekends & holidays) at either 9:00 am or 1:30 pm. The sole purpose of the detained hearing is to make a determination, given established criteria, as to the need to keep a youth remanded in Detention, or if alternatives in lieu of detainment are feasible pending next Court hearing or final Court disposition of the case (e.g. home, EHMP-Electronic Home Monitoring Program, ERC-Evening Reporting Center, EFC-Emergency Foster Care, etc.).
The Court’s Intervention Center will contact parents/guardians during the intake process to communicate actual detained hearing dates & times. This information can also be obtained by contacting the Intervention Center at (937) 225-4141 by requesting to speak to an Assessment Specialist through the pre-recorded prompts.