Intake Unit

Intervention Center

Intake Manager
Rachel Fitzgerald

Secure Receiving/EHMP Supervisor
Antonio McDougal
937 225-4141 ext. 1

Secure Receiving/EHMP Supervisor
Kamal Debrill-Richardson
(937) 225-4141 ext.1

Case Processing Specialist Supervisor
Amber Coffey
937 225-4149

Intervention Center Main Line:  937-225-4141 ext. 1

Secure Receiving

The Secure Side of the Intervention Center is where youth are brought in by local law enforcement agencies for allegations of delinquency and unruliness, for an active warrant issued by the Court (and other courts), or are a located runaway. The Receiving Side of the Intervention Center is off-limits to the general public and only law enforcement and certain court staff are permitted to enter. Every youth who is brought through the secure intake process receives a brief medical screening, a COVID-19 prescreening, property inventory, pat down, mug shot, and a urinalysis. Mental Health Screenings are conducted by trained mental health personnel contracted through Caring For Kids, a branch of South Community, Inc. Several assessments, including the Detention Screening Instrument, Ohio Youth Assessment System (OYAS), Alcohol or Other Drug (AOD)questionnaire, and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression(SOGIE) questionnaires are also performed by Assessment Specialists, all of which aide in the placement decision justification. Secure Receiving facilitates all the Court’s inter/intra state compact cases, and urinalysis testing for the various programs within the department.

Electronic Home Monitoring Program (EHMP)

The Electronic Home Monitoring Program, commonly referred to as House Arrest, provides an alternative to secure detention. It is a 24 hour, 7 days a week monitoring program that tracks juveniles’ movements who are placed on EHMP by Court order. The EHMP staff enrolls clients into the program by reading the youth and the parent the contract and installing the tracking device to the youth’s ankle. After both parent and youth agree to the terms of the program, they sign an EHMP contract and the client’s movements are tracked via GPS coordinates, as soon as they leave the office. EHMP staff monitors movement, conducts home and school visits when appropriate, and also files Violations of Court Orders (VCO) when terms of the contract have not been met. To reach the EHMP office, please call 937-225-4141 ext. 3

Case Processing Services

Case Processing Services represents the 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week, clerical area of the Intervention Center. All the paperwork related to juvenile delinquency and status offenses that are referred to the Court begin in Case Processing Services. Staff creates a record in the Juvenile Court computer system (JCS) for all charges that are received. This record includes demographic information, and specifics regarding the alleged offense. Formal complaints made by law enforcement and the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney (APA), are also typed and filed in this office. Judges and Magistrates are assigned to all new official cases and the staff set the Initial Adjudicatory Hearings on the hearing officer’s docket. All unofficial Intervention Center dockets, including Administrative Hearings, Multi-Disciplinary Hearings, Care Coordination Hearings and Initial Adjudicatory Interviews, as well as the related notifications are facilitated by this office. Case Processing Services also processes all Juvenile Civil Protection Orders (CPO’s), Sealing/Expungement of Records Requests, Deinstitutionalized Status Offenders (DSO) warrants), and numerous other case filings.